
1、此句可用advise of (通知) Could you please advise of a schedule for the interviewadvise ad.vise[əd`vaIz; ədˋvaiz]《源自拉丁文“朝…向”的意思》及物动词1 忠告a. 忠告<人>; 指点; 建议He ~d me to rest.他建议我休息b. 劝告<做…>,忠告She ~d me what to do next.她劝我下一步要怎么做c. [就…而] 忠告<人>[on]; 忠告<人> [避免…] [against]Let me ~ you on technical matters.我来向你提供有关技术问题的意见d. 劝 [忠告] <人><做…>He ~d his daughter not to marry in a hurry.他劝女儿不要急著结婚e. 劝告说…I ~ that you (should) start at once.我劝你马上出发[开始]f. 劝 [忠告] <人>…Mother could not ~ me what to do.母亲无法劝告 [嘱咐] 我该怎么做2 劝The doctor ~d a change of air.医师劝易地疗养3 (文语)a. 通知 [报知] <人>[…][of]Please ~ us of the date.请通告我们日期b. 通知<人><说…>We were to ~ you that the matter in under consideration.这件事已在考虑中,特此通知不及物动词1 [就…而] 提出劝告[on],提出意见Will you ~ on these points?.关于这几点,你有何意见?2 (美)商量[with]~ with somebody on something与某人商量某事。

